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Island Employee Cooperative

Background The Island Employee Cooperative is an umbrella cooperative comprised of three businesses in Stonington and Deer Isle, Maine: Burnt Cove Market, The Galley, and V&S Variety and Pharmacy.

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Pattycake Bakery

Background Pattycake Bakery is a vegan bakery based in Columbus, Ohio. In 2013, Pattycake converted from a sole proprietorship to a worker cooperative. Founder Jennie Scheinbach

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Real Pickles

Background Founded by Dan Rosenberg in 2001, Real Pickles is a Greenfield, Massachusetts-based company that makes naturally fermented and raw pickles from regionally grown vegetables. Addie Rose

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Big Timberworks

The facts in this case study about Big Timberworks’ conversion were collected largely from a great case study published by the Northcountry Cooperative Foundation Center in 2004.  We highly

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Namaste Solar

Background Namaste Solar, a Boulder, Colorado-based solar energy system design and installation company, was co-founded as an employee-owned business in 2005 by Blake Jones, Ray

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